
To learn more about outcomes measurement and skills assessment in general, please refer to these resources in addition to the tools on COMSA.

Previous projects funded by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and done in collaboration between SRDC, curriculum developers, training practitioners, employers, and others involved in skills development and employability have resulted in the following resources that can support survey building and evaluation.


A Comprehensive Review and Development of Measurement Options for Essential Skills Initiatives

These reports introduce the use of milestone-based frameworks to identify key program outcomes and select appropriate measures for a wide range of training contexts and learner populations. While these resources were developed for Literacy and Essential Skills programs, they provide a strong foundation for the transition to Skills for Success and informed the development of COMSA.

Phase 1: Inventory of Measures

Phase 2: Framework Development

Phase 3: Identifying Tipping Point Milestones

Phase 4: Final Report


Research Report to Support the Launch of Skills for Success: Structure, Evidence, and Recommendations

This SRDC report supports the launch and roll-out of Skills for Success by providing detailed definitions and components of each skill. This report details the frameworks and processes used to inform the program, and offers recommendations and next steps for developing measures and establishing proficiency levels for Skills for Success. The report also provides recommendations to support the implementation and roll-out of the Skills for Success model.

Read the Final Report


Skills for Success Implementation Guidance

This report provides a set of overarching principles with examples of emerging practices to broadly guide the implementation of Skills for Success. It outlines the design, development, delivery, and evaluation of programs to address learner and sectoral needs. Guiding principles and promising practices are provided for each of four stages of training – entry, engagement, assessment, and learning transfer.

Explore this Project



SELF+e® is an online behavioral skills assessment using state-of-the-science measurement methodologies. Developed by Research and Assessment Design: Science Solution (RAD Science), the assessment measures the new social-emotional constructs in Canada’s Skills for Success framework: Communication, Collaboration, Adaptability, and Creativity and Innovation.

For a limited time, you can try SELF+e® for free and use it to measure your learners’ skills. To learn more about SELF+e® and receive assessment codes for your learners, register or sign-in to COMSA and browse the Socio-Emotional Skills assessment library.

If you want to try a sample of items, follow the steps below. This sample is for information only – no report, feedback or scores will be provided.

1) Go on the assessment platform:

2) On the Welcome Screen, enter Test Code RE256Z

3) Enter your email address, last name, first name, and a Unique Identifier. Your Unique Identifier can be any combination of numbers and letters. 

4) Click the Next button three times to start the demo. 


Score Calculation Template

This additional tool was developed for COMSA users who have collected online participant data with COMSA, and would like to explore more data analysis and reporting options than is currently offered on the platform. This tool allows users to calculate individual scores, and presents group scores in a format that is easier to use for analysis and reporting.

Download the Template